The military is an important component to maintain the sovereignty of a country. To do that, it needs great military power to support it.
The military consists of troops that have military command, to coordinate troops. This is necessary to make important decisions related to national defense.
There are three factors needed to become the most powerful military in the world:
- Military Budget
- Military Personnel
- Military Technology
Therefore, every country in the world continues to improve its military capabilities from year to year. It must require a big defense budget. Many defense companies will get benefit because it is a part to support technological updates for military defense equipment. In addition, It must be accompanied by increased training from each branch of the military.

One of the criteria that determines whether a country becomes the most powerful in the world is its military capability. And in this category, the United States Military has been chosen as the country with the strongest military in the world. These results are based on a survey conducted by the world military ranking website Global Firepower (GFB), which still places the United States in the top position. This ranking assessment is carried out using 50 criteria to determine a country’s PowerIndex (PwrIndx). The United States as the first rank of country with military power in the world gets a PwrIndx score of 0.0453 from the results of the Globarpower assessment in 2022 for the following reasons:
1. It has 1,832,000 army personnel with 1,390,000 active personnel.
2. The strength of the United States Army has
- Tanks: 6,612 Units
- Armored Vehicles: 25,193 Units.
- Artillery :1,339 Units
- Self-propelled artillery: 1,498 Units
- Rocker Launcher: 1,366 Units
3. The power of the United States Air Force has
- Fighter Jets: 1,957 Units
- Helicopter: 910 Units
4. The strength of the United States Navy has
- Aircraft Carriers: 11 Units
- Submarine: 68 units
- Warship: 92 units
In addition, for the Defense Budget 2023, Bidden-Harris proposed a budget of $813.2 Billion to strengthen its National Defense. In addition to the United States, Russia and China have also prepared large budgets in order to replace the United States as the most powerful country in the world. In this current era, they seem to be competing to create military products with very sophisticated technology, such as the use of Artificial Intelligence in their defense equipment.